Sell on Indie Food!

No listing fees or hidden charges.
Manage your own prices, products and inventory.
Pickup is included.
Paid 75% of your selling price within 1 weeks of shipping.

How does it work?

Friday to Sunday - Buyers shop our marketplace.
Monday - You pack each order.
Tuesday or Wednesday - We pickup from you.
Thursday to Saturday - We deliver to the customer.
Monday - Payment made by direct deposit.

What do I need to start?

After being approved we only need you to:
  1. Create your products. We're happy to help!
  2. Have a 4"x6" thermal label printer. If you don't have one, we can provide one.
  3. Confirm your inventory is accurate between Tuesday and Thursday each week.
  4. Pack orders each Monday before the end of the day.

Where do you pickup from?

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